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6. UPS fest - Festival i natjecanje kućnih pivara


1.   Prihvaćaju se sve kategorije prema BJCP 2021 pravilima - osim medovine, braggota i cidera. Samo pivo bazirano na žitaricama.
2.   Svaki natjecatelj može prijaviti najviše 1 pivo po podkategoriji te maksimalno 3 piva. Različita piva prijavljuju se u posebne podkategorije. Primjerice, isti natjecatelj može prijaviti Dark Mild (podkategorija 13A) i English Porter (podkategorija 13C), ali ne smije prijaviti 2 English Portera.
3.   Potrebne su 3 boce ili limenke piva za svaku prijavu. Minimalni volumen je 0,33l. Po potrebi možete kombinirati veličine.
4.   Boce i limenke ne smiju imati nikakve oznake na sebi. Boce moraju biti bez reljefnog stakla, logotipa, etiketa i oznaka na čepovima. Ukoliko čepovi imaju oznaku potrebno ju je zatamniti markerom ili oprati alkoholom.
5.   Svaka boca mora na sebi imati ID formular pričvršćen gumicom. Molimo NE KORISTITI selotejp, ljepilo ili žicu, koristite SAMO gumicu.
6.   Uz ID formulare na bocama svaki natjecatelj mora prijaviti pivo kroz ovu web aplikaciju iz koje je moguće isprintati prijavne forme za svako pivo. On-line registracija će biti otvorena od 25.05.2024. na: Uz ID formulare na bocama uz njih se mora poslati i prijavni list koji MORA biti tiskan iz sustava za natjecanje jer sadrži jedinstvene brojeve prijave i sve potrebne podatke.
7.   Rok za prijavu je 24.6.2024.
Svi natjecatelji koji žive u Hrvatskoj moraju predati pivo do zadanog datuma. Svaka kasnija prijava neće biti prihvaćena - nema iznimaka!
Ukoliko natjecatelj dolazi na natjecanje iz inozemstva može zatražiti dopuštenje za predavanje piva, molimo pošaljite upit na
8.   Ni jedno pivo proizvedeno od strane komercijalne pivovare neće biti prihvaćeno na natjecanje. Ovo uključuje i najmanje kućne pivare koje prodaju svoje pivo na najmanjoj razini. Međutim, ukoliko povremeno točite svoje pivo na kakvom pivskom događaju poput festivala i za to primite naknadu u vidu donacije, prihvatit ćemo vaša piva.
9.   Prijavljena piva se moraju dostaviti od 10.06.2024. do 24.6.2024. do 18:00h. Uz piva, nužno je dostaviti i potreban novčani iznos, inače nećemo prihvatiti vaša piva.
10.   Kategorije će se grupirati. Npr. lako je moguće da će se sve potkategorije Portera suditi zajedno ili sve potkategorije Stoutova suditi zajedno. No suci će suditi pivo prema kategoriji u kojoj je prijavljeno, a ne protiv ostalih piva. Tako će npr. Irish Stout napravljen točno prema stilu dobiti visoke ocjene dok će Foreign Extra Stout koji je npr. bolje pivo no ima okus kao Belgian Dark Strong Ale - a ne Stout, dobiti niže ocjene.
11.   Misleći o gore navedenome, pazite da pivo bude prijavljeno u ispravnu kategoriju. Mi nećemo mijenjati kategorije piva, piva će biti suđena u kategoriji u kojoj su prijavljena. Ako Imperial Stout prijavite kao Belgian Dark Strong Ale, ocjene će biti vrlo niske iako je pivo možda jako dobro.
12.   Prijava za svako pivo je 5 eura. Druge valute neće biti prihvaćene.
13.   Ovo natjecanje će biti registrirano kod BJCP organizacije i koristit će se taj stil suđenja. Svi suci će proći osjetilni trening sa profesionalnim uzorcima okusa. Suci ne mogu suditi kategorije u kojima imaju prijavljeno pivo. Sudit će se bez znanja čije se pivo sudi, tako da možete prijaviti i slabije pivo za koje Vam je potrebna objektivna povratna informacija. Natjecanje je dobar način da dobijete smislenu kritiku Vašeg piva što će Vam pomoći da postanete bolji pivar. Ispunjene liste za ocjenjivanje su samo Vaše i ukoliko ne želite nitko neće znati za njih.
14.   Natjecatelji mogu vidjeti ocjene svojih piva u sustavu nakon završetka suđenja i proglašenja pobjednika. Nakon natjecanja ispunjene liste za ocjenjivanje će biti skenirane i poslane na e-mail adrese natjecatelja. Taj proces traje neko vrijeme pa molimo za strpljenje. Može potrajati nekoliko tjedana.
15.   Pobjednici svake od konsolidiranih kategorija će se birati u finalnim krugovima od strane najiskusnijih sudaca. Na primjer, IPA se sudi u nekoliko rundi kroz 7 dana. Najbolja piva iz svake od tih rundi ulaze u finalni krug. Tamo se odlučuje o finalnom poretku, no bez prilagodbe prvotnih ocjena na listama.
16.   Pobjednici svake konsolidirane kategorije ulaze u „Best of Show“ krug u kojem se odlučuje o ukupnom pobjedniku natjecanja.
17.   Medalje se dodjeljuju ukupnom pobjedniku i za prva tri mjesta od svake konsolidirane kategorije. Biti će uručene i dodatne nagrade, no teži predmeti se neće slati poštom.

18.  Lokacija za osobnu dostavu piva za natjecanje:

Caffe bar "Sloboda". Ognjena Price 34. 42000 Varaždin. Kontakt: 091//575//7722

19.  Lokacija za slanje piva dostavnim službama:

Caffe bar "Sloboda". Ognjena Price 34. 42000 Varaždin. Kontakt: 091//575//7722




1.    All categories specified in BJCP 2021 guidelines will be accepted except meads, braggots and ciders. Only grain based beers.
2.    People can enter a maximum of 1 beer per sub category with a maximum of 3 entries total.  Different beers can be entered into separate sub categories of the same category, so, for instance, the same person can enter a Dark Mild (subcategory 13A) and an English Porter (subcategory 13C), but they cannot enter 2 English Porters.
3.    3 bottles or cans of each entry must be supplied in minimum 0,33l sizes.  ONLY these sizes will be accepted. You can mix and match if needed, for example, entering some bottles as 0,33l and some as 0,50l. 3 pcs MUST be entered.
4.    Beer must be packaged in bottles or cans with no markings of any kind. No raised glass, no logos, no labels, no marks on the cap.  If the cap has marks on it, black them out with a marker before entering.
5.    Each beer must have a bottle ID form attached to it with a rubber band. Do NOT use tape or glue, DO NOT use metal wire to attach the form, ONLY a rubber band.
6.    Each entrant must also supply an entry form. In addition to this, users must file their entry form digitally.  Online registration will be open from 25.05.2024. on:  Entry forms and bottle ID forms MUST be printed out from the registration system.
7.    The deadline for entries is June 24th, 2024. 
For people residing inside of Croatia, no late entries will be allowed.  No exceptions.
For people traveling long distances to attend the show from outside of the country, they can get special permission to hand in their entries the day before competition,  to ask for permission for late entry, please e-mail us at
8.    No beers will be accepted into the competition that were produced by a commercial brewery.  This includes very small, home based breweries that sell their beers commercially, even on a small scale.  No exceptions.
9.    Beers must be delivered from June 10th till June 24th by 18:00 CEST, 2024. Fees must be paid when beers are delivered or they will not be accepted.
10.    Categories will be consolidated. So, it is likely that all Porters will be judged together and all Stouts will be judged together with all other Stouts, for example. Judges will judge the beers against the category in which they are entered, though. So, an Irish Stout that is made perfectly to style will get a very good score while a Foreign Extra Stout which is a better beer but tastes like a Belgian Dark Strong Ale and not a Stout will score lower.
11.    With that in mind, please make sure you enter the correct category. We will not be reassigning beers. They will be judged in the category in which they are entered. If you enter an Imperial Stout as a Belgian Dark Strong Ale instead, you get a very, very low score even if the beer is good.
12.    The entry fee for each entry is 5 euros. No other currency will be accepted.
13.    This competition will be registered with the BJCP and will follow that style of judging. All judges will have had sensory training with a Sensory Flavor Kit. Judges cannot judge in categories in which they are entered.  We will do blind judging. Judges will not know whose beer they are judging, so don't be shy about entering a beer that you need feedback on.  Competition is a good way to get a critique of your beer that can help you improve as a brewer.  Nobody will know about your scoresheets unless you tell them.
14.    Competitors can view their scores on the same day as the competition by logging into the competition website and viewing their entries.  After the competition, scoresheets will either be scanned and e-mailed to each competitor or sent via regular post.  This process takes some time, though, so please be patient.  It may take 2-3 weeks.
15.   The winners of respective consolidated categories will be chosen in final rounds by the most experienced judges. For example, we judge IPAs over the course of 7 days. From each judging session the best entries are promoted to the final round. There they are evaluated again for final results, but without re-adjusting the scores on the scoresheets.
16.   Winners of each consolidated category advance to the Best of Show round where the overall winner of the competition will be decided.
17.   Medals will be awarded for Best of Show winner as well as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each consolidated category. There will be additional prizes awarded, but note that heavy items will not be shipped.            

18.  Locations for personal delivery of entries:

Caffe bar "Sloboda". Ognjena Price 34. 42000 Varaždin. Contact: 091//575//7722

19.  Location for shipping by delivery services:

Caffe bar "Sloboda". Ognjena Price 34. 42000 Varaždin. Contact: 091//575//7722



BJCP 2021 Judging Styles

If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.

1A American Light Lager1B American Lager1C Cream Ale
1D American Wheat Beer2A International Pale Lager2B International Amber Lager
2C International Dark Lager3A Czech Pale Lager3B Czech Premium Pale Lager
3C Czech Amber Lager3D Czech Dark Lager4A Munich Helles
4B Festbier4C Helles Bock5A German Leichtbier
5B Kölsch5C German Helles Exportbier5D German Pils
6A Märzen6B Rauchbier6C Dunkels Bock
7A Vienna Lager7B Altbier8A Munich Dunkel
8B Schwarzbier9A Doppelbock 9B Eisbock
9C Baltic Porter10A Weissbier10B Dunkels Weissbier
10C Weizenbock 11A Ordinary Bitter11B Best Bitter
11C Strong Bitter12A British Golden Ale12B Australian Sparkling Ale
12C English IPA13A Dark Mild13B British Brown Ale
13C English Porter14A Scottish Light14B Scottish Heavy
14C Scottish Export15A Irish Red Ale15B Irish Stout
15C Irish Extra Stout16A Sweet Stout16B Oatmeal Stout
16C Tropical Stout16D Foreign Extra Stout17A British Strong Ale
17A1 Burton Ale17B Old Ale17C Wee Heavy
17D English Barley Wine18A Blonde Ale18B American Pale Ale
19A American Amber Ale19B California Common19C American Brown Ale
20A American Porter20B American Stout20C Imperial Stout
21A American IPA21B Specialty IPA 21B1 Belgian IPA
21B2 Black IPA 21B3 Brown IPA 21B4 Red IPA
21B5 Rye IPA 21B6 White IPA 21B7 Brut IPA
21C Hazy IPA22A Double IPA22B American Strong Ale
22C American Barleywine22D Wheatwine23A Berliner Weisse
23B Flanders Red Ale23C Oud Bruin23D Lambic
23E Gueuze23F Fruit Lambic 23G Gose
24A Witbier24B Belgian Pale Ale24C Bière de Garde
25A Belgian Blond Ale25B Saison 25C Belgian Golden Strong Ale
26A Belgian Single26B Belgian Dubbel26C Belgian Tripel
26D Belgian Dark Strong Ale27A Historical Beer 27A1 Kellerbier
27A2 Kentucky Common27A3 Lichtenhainer27A4 London Brown Ale
27A5 Piwo Grodziskie27A6 Pre-Prohibition Lager27A7 Pre-Prohibition Porter
27A8 Roggenbier27A9 Sahti28A Brett Beer
28B Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer 28C Wild Specialty Beer 28D Straight Sour Beer
29A Fruit Beer 29B Fruit and Spice Beer 29C Specialty Fruit Beer
29D Grape Ale 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer 30B Autumn Seasonal Beer
30C Winter Seasonal Beer 30D Specialty Spice Beer 31A Alternative Grain Beer
31B Alternative Sugar Beer 32A Classic Style Smoked Beer 32B Specialty Smoked Beer
33A Wood-Aged Beer 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer 34A Commercial Specialty Beer
34B Mixed-Style Beer 34C Experimental Beer LSX1 Dorada Pampeana
LSX2 IPA ArgentaLSX3 Italian Grape Ale LSX4 Catharina Sour
LSX5 New Zealand Pilsner  


Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 3

Judging Sessions

Suđenje dan #1
Wednesday 26 June, 2024 19:00, CEST

Suđenje dan #2
Friday 28 June, 2024 19:00, CEST

Suđenje dan #3
Monday 1 July, 2024 19:00, CEST

Suđenje dan #4
Wednesday 3 July, 2024 19:00, CEST

Suđenje dan #5
Friday 5 July, 2024 19:00, CEST

Suđenje miniBOS / BOS
Saturday 6 July, 2024 10:00, CEST



Struktura nagrada

Dodjela medalja i nagrada će se održati nakon što su suđenja završena u subotu 06.07.2024. Nagradit će se osvajači 1., 2. i 3. mjesta u svakoj formiranoj grupi kategorija.
Prvo mjesto iz svake grupe kategorija se natječe i u BOS - Best Of Show kategoriji gdje se bira najbolje pivo festivala..
Rezultati će biti objavljeni nakon dodjele.


Awards Structure


The awards ceremony will take place once judging is completed on Saturday, July 6th, 2024.
Places will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category/table.
The 1st place entry in each category will advance to the Best of Show (BOS) round with a single, overall Best of Show beer selected.
Results will be posted to the competition web site after the ceremony concludes.


Awards Ceremony

Arena Varaždin
Arena Varaždin
Saturday 6 July, 2024 20:00, CEST
