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Thanks to all who participated in the 6. UPS fest - Festival i natjecanje kućnih pivara.

There were 135 entries judged and 86 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stSaša BertovićBeera28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer
2ndDjordje TerzinSweaty Jungle18B: American Pale AleUdruženje Kućnih Pivara Srbije
3rdAnte PrižmićWoody Allen 33B: Specialty Wood-Aged BeerSMASH

BOS (60 Participating Brewers)

Mikko Töykkälä20000.00 Panomaju
Ivana Miš01000.00
Djordje Terzin10000.00 Udruženje Kućnih Pivara Srbije
Rene Hursa01000.00
Miro Pivčević00100.00
Nikola Lazarević00100.00 Udruženje Kućnih Pivara Srbije
Karlo Sklepić02000.00
Den Eror10000.00 Szk Panorama
Mladen Pavlinović00010.00
Petar Generalic00200.00
Ugo Stegnjaic01000.00 Pivari Grada Zagreba
Olli-Pekka Niinimäki01000.00 Panomaju
Markku Leminen10000.00 Panomaju
Matti Isosomppi00010.00 Panomaju
Janko Cvitaš01000.00
Merkaš Zlatko00100.00
Miroslav Matotek00100.00 Udruga Pivara Sjever
Josip Marenić00010.00
Saša Bertović10000.00
Ante Prižmić10000.00 SMASH
Matias Huhta00100.00 Panomaju
Dinko Čotić00010.00

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Best Club (12 Participating Clubs)

Udruženje Kućnih Pivara Srbije10100.00
Szk Panorama10000.00
Pivari Grada Zagreba01000.00
Udruga Pivara Sjever00100.00

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Winning Entries

Table 1: Lager & Hybrid (17 entries)

1stMikko TöykkäläFrote S087B: AltbierPanomaju
2ndOlli-Pekka NiinimäkiLa(R)Ger Than Life1B: American LagerPanomaju
3rdPetar GeneralicJa Naturlich...4A: Munich Helles

Table 2: IPA (28 entries)

1stMarkku LeminenHazy Days21C: Hazy IPAPanomaju
2ndIvana MišLito21B: Specialty IPA
3rdMiroslav Matotek
Co-Brewer: Irena Matotek
VŽ NEIPA21C: Hazy IPAUdruga Pivara Sjever
HMMatti IsosomppiNEIPA #3921C: Hazy IPAPanomaju

Table 3: Pale Ale (17 entries)

1stDjordje TerzinSweaty Jungle18B: American Pale AleUdruženje Kućnih Pivara Srbije
2ndRene HursaPale Ale Z Stubice18B: American Pale Ale
3rdMiro PivčevićVise Srece Drugi Put18B: American Pale Ale

Table 4: Amber, Red, Dark (21 entries)

1stDen ErorEror 404 Vol2 Porter9C: Baltic PorterSzk Panorama
2ndKarlo SklepićAbyssal Voyage 202416D: Foreign Extra Stout
3rdMatias HuhtaBread Again11B: Best BitterPanomaju
HMMladen PavlinovićHoću Zlato4B: Festbier

Table 5: Strong & Wood Aged (14 entries)

1stAnte PrižmićWoody Allen 33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer SMASH
2ndUgo Stegnjaic
Co-Brewer: Pivari Grada Zagreba
Dop33A: Wood-Aged Beer Pivari Grada Zagreba
3rdPetar GeneralicDrvena MARIJA33A: Wood-Aged Beer

Table 6: Wheat, Saison, Belgian (25 entries)

1stMikko TöykkäläHeffe Ala Munko10A: WeissbierPanomaju
2ndJanko CvitašZomber25C: Belgian Golden Strong Ale
3rdMerkaš ZlatkoSlatka Plavuša 25A: Belgian Blond Ale
HMDinko Čotić
Co-Brewer: Šimun Čotić
Me Against The World27A8: Roggenbier

Table 7: Sour, Fruit, Spice (13 entries)

1stSaša BertovićBeera28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer
2ndKarlo SklepićEtalon28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer
3rdNikola Lazarević MHP
Co-Brewer: Dada Subotić
Tom Morello28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer Udruženje Kućnih Pivara Srbije
HMJosip MarenićJOGA29D: Grape Ale